Thursday, December 16, 2010

Study in Canada

Canada Education System

The structure of Canadian education system includes kindergarten, elementary/junior high/middle school, secondary/high school and post-secondary education. Education in Canada is administered by each provincial and territorial government hence there are some differences between the education systems in each province and territory. All provinces and territories offer free and universal elementary and secondary schooling for 12 years, except Quebec where it is up to 11 years. Education is mandatory to the age of between 15 and 18, based on the province.


Education generally begins with kindergarten. British Columbia and Ontario also provide Junior Kindergarten. In some areas, kindergarten is either not needed or it is not available at all. Generally, five years old children enter kindergarten.


Elementary school generally includes grades one through six (for students aged approximately six to 12 years), when junior high school is the next step. In some areas, elementary school is stretched up to grade eight.


Secondary school, often called high school, generally runs grades 9 through 12. In regions having middle school and junior high, it also includes grades 7 and 8.


Post-secondary education is also termed as Career College, Vocational School, Community College, University and Grad School. At this level you can earn a Bachelor\'s degree, and can continue studies to acquire a Master\'s or a Doctorate degree. Vocational students can earn certificates and diplomas that can count as an added skill in various trades.

Public and Private

Canada\'s education system encompasses public schools, which are free and funded by the government, and private schools, for which students have to pay. At the post-secondary level, public colleges and universities still need students to pay tuition, but it is comprehensively less than tuition at private universities.

Life in Canada

Canada is a large country. The land area of 9,984,670 square kilometers makes it the second biggest country in the world. Canada perhaps is the only country in the world that is rarely in the news for any controversial issues. It is known to be a peace loving and one of the most preferred countries to migrate to. Following are a few fun facts about Canada, that make this country stand apart from the rest.
  • An unusual fact about Canada is its name origin, it comes from a St. Lawrence Iroquoian word, kanata, which means village or settlement.
  • An interesting fact about Canada is that it\'s the world\'s largest country area wise (including its waters),
  • It also has the longest coastline in the world, about 243,000 kms in length.
  • The country shares the world\'s longest common border with the United States of America, which is also the only unprotected border in the world
  • An interesting fact for kids, is that Canada is widely believed to be the home of Santa Claus.
  • The belief that the North Pole is owned by Canada is false. No country owns the North Pole.
  • Canada is also the largest producer of a refreshingly sweet dessert wine called Icewine.
  • It features in the list of top five world\'s producers of gold, copper, zinc, nickel, aluminum, and natural gas.
  • A funny fact about Canada\'s city of Montreal, sometimes called The City of Churches, is that it has more churches than houses!
  • Canada is also home to the world\'s smallest jail, located in Ontario. It is only 270 square feet.
  • It also has the highest tertiary education enrollment in the world, which includes locals as well as international students.
  • Toronto is the largest city of Canada, with a population of more than 5 million people. Toronto dwellers hold more university degrees than any other big city in the world.
  • Despite being a really big country, it has the fourth lowest population density in the world, with only three people living per square kilometer! Almost half of the population in Canada was born in other countries.
  • Here\'s a weird fact about Canada, it produces so much energy, that it provides it to the US too!
  • The Ice Hotel in Quebec, known as Hotel de Glace is created every year using 400 tons of ice and 12,000 tons of snow. It melts away every summer and is recreated every winter.
  • Canada has just one desert in British Columbia, towards the southernmost corner of the Okanagan Valley in Osoyoos.
  • The desert is only 15 miles long, with over 100 rare plants, and over 300 rare animals. It is also the only desert in the world that has a long boardwalk, for people to walk on!
  • Canadian winter temperatures fall below freezing point, with snow covering some parts of the country for nearly six months!
  • In 1883, the baseball glove was invented in Canada.
  • Many inventions including basketball, the electric light bulb, the electric range, the electron microscope, the telephone, standard time, the television, and the zipper, and the first snowmobile were invented in this remarkable country.
  • The Niagara Falls, one of the largest and most popular waterfalls is in Ontario.
  • Half of Canada is covered with forests, which should not be surprising, considering one-tenth of the world\'s forests are here. It is also home to the polar and the grizzly bear.
  • Canada has two national sports; Lacrosse as the country\'s national summer sport, and Ice Hockey as the national winter sport. Its citizens invented the game of Lacrosse.
  • Canada is also known to have the highest quality of life in the world, according to the United Nations Human Development Index.

Multicultural Society

Being a multicultural society Canada allows you to understand each other and does not encourage hatred and violence. Canada is high on tourist preferred destination itineraries, as it offers a unique peek into its multi-cultural and bio-geographical diversity. It is relatively free from all sorts of discrimination and divide, a fact most Canadians are proud about. Canada advocates multiculturalism by encouraging all Canadians to participate in all aspects of life. Everyone in Canada is treated as equal. Everyone has a right to say. Hatred is not encouraged in Canada. Everyone has a right to preserve and protect their own tradition and people there respect each other’s right to do the same. They will respect and accept anyone who respects and accepts them.

Canada celebrate religious freedom

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects your freedom to practice your tradition and religion. It advocates that you must be respectful of others’ beliefs as well.Canadians use their right to vote and decide who will govern the country. Canada is a democratic country. People in Canada have several rights to amend laws and the governments.

Canada’s public health care system

Canada’s health insurance system is set up to address people’s requirements for health care rather than their ability to make the payment. Often termed as Medicare, the system is tailored to ensure that all residents of Canada have easy access to health care facilitations from doctors and hospitals. All Canadians and permanent residents may get health insurance. Getting a health insurance allows you to get medical treatment without making direct payment. They are paid through your taxes. Simply presenting your health insurance card to the hospital or medical clinic will get you medical services.


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